Tuesday, March 3, 2015

RPS App and Accessing Grades

On Friday March 6th, 2015 letters will be sent home to parents containing information about the RPS app. To actually obtain the login information for your student you will either need to come to parent-teacher conferences next week (Thursday and Friday March 12 & 13) or drop by the main office at anytime. Valid photo ID will be required. If you do not currently have the app links to download it along with additional info about it can be found here on the RPS website.

-Within the student app you will login via the Student Info button using the credential provided. 

-Once you log in icons will appear with your students’ names. (And pictures too in some cases apparently.)

-Info available includes classes, attendance, library checkouts, phone numbers, addresses, parents/guardian info, attendance, and textbooks issued to them

-As far as the gradebook goes – classes, assignments, missing assignments and grades should be visible. Comments from teachers may be available as well however no one I asked during a presentation could verify this for me.

-Alerts can be set around thresholds like a certain grade on an assignment, etc. (So for example you can set it to be alerted if your student receives a grade of C or below on an assignment.)

-One final important thing to note on this is that access to student grades through the RPS app is designed to be a supplement to the Aspen portal (once it's available) and not a replacement. Once the portal is opened up system wide next year you will have access to everything they can see within the app along with much more.

-If you all have questions about the app once you receive the login please email me at jrew@richmond.k12.va.us. I can't promise I'll have an answer but I'll do my best to resolve any problems you encounter with it

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