Thursday, December 4, 2014

Yearbook Ad Space For Sale

Greetings friendly neighbor!!

Hello, how are you?  We are students from Albert Hill Middle School and are writing to see if you would like to buy an ad in our yearbook.  The proceeds from these sales will help to benefit Albert Hill by helping to pay for supplies for events, such as incentive rallies for achievement and good citizenry.

We are offering four ad sizes:

1/8 page: $20.00

1/4 page:  $30.00

1/2 page: $45.00

Full page:  $80.00

Ads need to be purchased by March 30, 2015. The sooner, the better, as space is limited.  Checks, cash, and/or money orders are payable to Albert Hill Middle School.  They should be addressed to Albert Hill Middle School, c/o Ms. Rebecca D’Angelo, 3400 Patterson Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221. Please include desired ad size, and contact info, including email  so that we may email you an electronic receipt.  Please email art work to  Be sure and write in the subject line “ad for yearbook”.  There are no specific ad specs, just approximate, and we can size from our end.  The book is roughly 8x12.

Albert Hill has a population of about 600-700 students, meaning at least 1400 adults, and many more relatives, and friends, will be seeing this yearbook and talking about it.

We appreciate your support and wish you the best in the coming holidays, and new year.

Best Regards!
Albert Hill Middle School Yearbook Club
Ms. D’Angelo--room 305

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